How to update AlmaLinux

Like any other distribution, it’s important to update your AlmaLinux system. By keeping your AlmaLinux system up to date, you will be sure to have the latest features and security updates. Luckily, updating an AlmaLinux system is fairly straightforward. In this tutorial, we will show you how.

Step 1. Create a Backup of Your AlmaLinux Server

Always create a backup before updating your AlmaLinux system.

Step 2: Check if you’re using AlmaLinux

After having created a back-up, it’s time to check if you’re indeed running AlmaLinux. To know if you are, you can run the following command:

cat /etc/redhat-release

If you’re running AlmaLinux, you should get the following result:

AlmaLinux release x.x

Now, we can continue with the next step.

Step 3: Clear the cache

Before updating your AlmaLinux server, it’s really important that you empty all the caches and have the most recent packages (software servers and lists). You can use the following command to do this:

yum clean all -y

Step 4: Update your AlmaLinux server

When updating AlmaLinux, you can choose to use the recommended settings or you can determine which settings are used yourself.

If you want to use the recommended settings, you can run the following command:

yum update -y

If you prefer to decide which settings are used in the update, you can omit -y. The command then looks as follows: 

yum update

Step 5: Server reboot

When the update is done successfully, the only thing left to do is a server reboot. After the server reboot you’ll be sure that everything went well and that the update has been completed properly. You can use the following command to perform a reboot:



In this knowledgebase article we have shown the steps you can follow to update your AlmaLinux system. Remember, that updating your system is important, as it will keep your server secure and stable.

Contact us if you have any questions about updating AlmaLinux. We’re more than happy to help you!

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